Saturday, March 23, 2013

15-Months-Old Already?!

Wowsers!  Our boy hit the 15-month mark on March

Cale Facts:

He is getting so big!  He is now 32.25” tall (82%) and weighs 26 lb 3 oz (75%).  He’s actually changing from a baby into a little boy.  It’s unreal how much he’s learning and how much he’s changing.

He can and does climb everything.  I don’t own a single piece of furniture that he does not climb on.  I’ve walked in to find him standing on my dining room table more than

He can escape every type of buckle and restraint except a 5-point harness.  (No restaurants in Tulsa have highchairs with 5-point harnesses, so it can make dining out more of a wrestling match than a dining experience.)

He can reach all of my countertops and is constantly reaching for things.  Aye aye aye!  Last week (March 14th), I watched him stand on his teepee toes (what Claire calls tippy toes), reach for the edge of my countertop and pull himself up so that he could see the tops of my counters.  I am determined to get this on video as I cannot believe that my 15-month-old is doing chin-ups on my kitchen counter!

He runs very fast – super fast – faster than I do.

He loves to scream – especially in public places.  He thinks it’s hilarious to have everyone stop and turn to see what’s going on.  It doesn’t bother me.  If you happen to be with me, and he screams; don’t freak out if I don’t seem to notice.  I’m used to it and have learned to tune it out.  He’s fine – just having a bit of fun with people he doesn’t know and enjoying the echo of his

He loves to run around sans clothing.  He refuses to wear socks or shoes – EVER.  He takes them off within seconds of our putting them on him.  (And yes, every stranger, especially women who are grandmothers, comment on my poor parenting for allowing him to run around barefoot.  Most of them say it to him in that syrupy-sassy voice, “Your silly mommy didn’t put shoes on you today, did she?  I sure hope you don’t catch your death of cold, you sweet little thing.  You tell your mommy that she needs to buy you some socks and shoes so that your feet will stay warm.”  I have started handing these wonderful and helpful strangers Cale’s shoes so that they can show me how it’s done.  Before they can get the second shoe on, he’s already kicked the first one off.  Most of them will try two or three times before they tire of his little shenanigans.  I politely smile, thank them for their assistance and depart.)  He takes off his shirts and pants constantly too.  So far he has only taken his diaper off once during naptime.  (Hopefully that won’t happen again!)

His curls are back.  His hair is growing out, and the back is very curly.  The top is still straight, so he seems to have a natural mullet – business in the front; party in the back.  Yeah, Buddy!

He is super strong.  If he gets something you don’t want him to have, you’ll have to wrestle him for it.  Chances of your winning are slim to none.  Have I given birth to Superman?!

He is so cuddly and affectionate.  Almost daily he puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me.  He loves to be rocked and loves to snuggle.  He gives the biggest hugs.  He is so sweet!photo(188)

He has the most infectious laugh.  He’s a generally happy guy with the most winning smile.  His laugh is truly amazing!

He loves to sing.  Anytime he hears music, he sings.  And dances.  He has some great moves!

He says, “Cheese!” and smiles hugely when you point a camera or cell phone in his direction.

He has learned to turn doorknobs and open doors.  There is no more privacy for anyone in our house.  He also has learned how to open the latches on the gates.  We have had to install locks at the tops of all of the gates to keep him contained.  He is definitely an adventurous kid.

He says “uh-oh” A LOT!  He keeps me very busy.

He likes to throw things – food, balls, toys, clothes.

He has started saying, in a very sing-songy voice, “O-Bey, O-Bey.”  I’m guessing he’s learning this at church.  (Several months ago, Claire came home from church chanting, “I obey right away!”)  I LOVE that our church is teaching this to our kids!  If they learn to obey their parents, they will have a much easier time obeying God.  I’m glad they’re starting early.  It will make their lives so much better!

He responds to questions with “Yeah” and “No.”  Once in a while we get a “I don’t want that” or an “I don’t want to.”  Yes, my 15-month-old can express his opinions in full sentences.  While those phrases are not my first choice of first sentences, they are indeed complete and correct.  Way to go, Boy!

Cale loves to play peek-a-book a/k/a “Where’s Cale?”photo(197).2




I’ve spent the last 23 days creating this post.  I don’t have nearly as much free time as I used to.  But I don’t regret one second spent with my children.  We are making some wonderful memories together!photo(192)

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! He really is a sweetie!
    He is quite the adventurer and reminds me of someone else I know. He has indeed got us all wrapped around his little finger.
