Thursday, May 9, 2013


Cale has been so sweet about Claire’s birthday.  During her party he sat on the floor next to Allie and watched Claire open her presents, clapping and cheering as she opened each one.  Every morning he sits and waits to see what she got and then cheers for her new gift.  He is just so sweet!

Although, as if not to be outdone, he has begun a few new tricks.

The first, and perhaps the craziest, is that my son is potty training himself.  At the ripe ol’ age of 17-months, he tells us when he has to potty.  No one has ever asked him about it.  He just announced about a week ago that he had to go potty.  He’s been pretty consistent with it ever since.  How crazy!  And I kept hearing stories about how difficult it is to train boys.  Apparently not my boy!

Secondly, my boy has learned to eat with a fork or spoon and a plate or bowl.  He still makes a little bit of a mess, but it’s really not too bad.IMG_6478



I am one proud mama!  Way to go, Boy!