Saturday, September 8, 2012

Nine-Month-Old Mister

Cale turned nine-months-old on Wednesday.  He is so much fun!photo(127)

He went to the doctor on Thursday for his nine-month checkup.  He is now 29” and is in the 75th percentile for height.  He weighs 19 lb 2.5 oz and is in the 27th percentile.  Cale is still very tall and very skinny.  (His height and weight percentages are tracking the same as Claire’s did at this age.)  He’s wearing sizes 12-18 month clothes right now.  He’s still not wearing shoes as temps exceed 100 degrees everyday, so we’ll have to wait until fall actually arrives to find out his shoe size.

He is now sleeping very well.  (Happy dance by mommy!!!)  He sleeps an average of 11 hours at night and still takes three to four naps during the day.

He is eating very well too.  He eats up to nine jars of baby food a day.  In addition to the foods we’d introduced previously, he now likes squash, oranges, white beans, sweet potatoes, kiwi, mango, carrots, guava, passion fruit and corn as well.  He does not like yellow squash, zucchini or green beans.  We have also just started feeding him table foods.  He loves yogurt, hamburgers, taco meat and banana puffs.

Cale loves to jump and dances any time he hears music.  He has started cruising around our furniture and is attempting standing alone.  He loves to bang toys together and loves toys that make noise and music.  He is trying to clap his hands and is giving high-fives.  He also

He has started “singing” along with Claire.  Any time she is singing (which is almost every second that she’s awake), he sings along.  It’s too cute!  He has also learned a new noise – it’s a noise he makes in the back of his throat that sounds a bit like a frog croaking.  He loves this sound.  In addition to Mama and Dada, he is now saying “Daddy.”

Cale is very good-natured and easy-going.  He laughs easily and often.  He is snuggly and cuddly.  He is, in a word, wonderful.  I love everything about this little man of mine!  He is such a joy!  What a blessed mama I am!

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